63. Within the scope of the objectives determined by the Institut, the functions of the Société are(1) to recognize such works as it may indicate as Québec films in accordance with the standards established by the Institut pursuant to section 39;
(2) to promote and provide financial assistance for cinematographic creation and the production of films recognized as Québec films;
(3) promote and provide financial assistance for the distribution and exhibition of films in Québec as well as the development of technical industries;
(4) to promote or provide financial assistance to the Québec cinema by fostering its participation in film festivals and other cinematographic events and promote cinematographic culture in Québec;
(5) to encourage the participation of television enterprises in producing and broadcasting Québec films;
(6) to encourage or provide financial assistance to training, research, development and innovation in the field of cinema.
In exercising its functions, the Société shall transmit every year to the Institut, not later than the date prescribed by the Institut, the assistance plan and the programs it proposes for the next fiscal year.